Friday, September 20, 2013

The Real Second Amendment

On September 20th The Smirking Chimp  published an article titled, "How Fake Second Amendment History Kills." It was written by Robert Parry, and it discusses the true meaning of the second amendment and how it's interpretation has become twisted over the past few decades. The purpose of the second amendment was to allow the states to form a well organized militia. You can read the full article for more history and discussion on the subject.
I think this is a great read, especially in light of recent events and history. For as long as I can remember I've always heard that the second amendment protected the right to "bear arms". I've been taught this over and over again from friends, television and even many of my teachers. The sad truth is that this is a false interpretation. Please read this article. The history of the second amendment is important to understand, especially after the recent Navy Yard shootings, and recent talk of gun regulation. I found the article very interesting and eye-opening. Check it out.

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