Friday, October 4, 2013

Polls of Conspiracy

I chose to read, "Half the Republicans You know are Insane" by written by William Rivers Pitt. A poll was taken of Republican voters and their belief in government conspiracy theories. Some of the theories held by these voters are downright ridiculous. I had a hard time believing some of them. Check it out and see what I mean. This group of republicans pulls a lot of weight when it comes to elections. Why? Because they always vote. That’s why voting is so important, so that these groups aren’t always having their way in elections. The writer even argue that the current government shutdown can be attributed to these voters choices in 2010.

I think the author makes a very good argument. One thing I appreciated about Mr. Pitt's commentary was the usage of numbers and facts to support his argument. The purpose of this commentary was to bring to the reader's attention (The reader being common voters) that there exists a group of voters that believe in some of the ridiculous conspiracy theories mentioned in the article, and also that everyone needs to vote. He succeeds in sending the message home by shedding light on these Republican’s thought process though polling numbers and examples. He even supplies the readers with his source here, and the source even has a link to the actual polling results. Without this information his argument would fall short. Without solid numbers the examples he’s mentioning are almost to crazy to fathom. If you’re going to make an argument you’d better back it up. In this regard Mr. Pitt has hit a home-run.

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