Saturday, November 2, 2013

Let's Step Back

Can’t we all just get along? Lately I’ve felt as if there was something gumming up the works in D.C. I’ve never been more frustrated and perplexed by the Government. It’s gotten to the point where I’ve checked out almost completely from the political arena. And that’s what it is; an arena. Politicians duke it out for power and influence; winning at any cost. And a lot of people I know have checked out too. “Who cares about government?” I hear that a lot. I feel that a lot of people are discontent. Personally I feel like the Government might benefit from it taking a step back and assessing the government and it’s functionality. It would be nice to take a look at the constitution and discuss what’s working and what isn’t. The Government was conceived two centuries ago and the constitution shortly after. Times were different back then. Values were different, ways of life were different and technology has exploded drastically changing our way of life today. The constitution could afford to grow with us. Evolve to meet the changing needs of the people. I don’t think anyone in his or her right mind could say that the government is absolutely perfect. But I guess it could be worse right? One thing we could get started on in my lifetime would be reforming the voting system. Giving direct democracy a try would give the people a different voice. Political games get in the way of progress. The governed get their power from the people. It might not seem like we really have a say in who enters an office but with the different influence of direct democracy there’s a chance we could see some real change. Another thing about the government that we can see throughout history is that it’s always changing. Ever few generations there is change and reform. I say it’s only a matter of time before we see another big change. Out government was formed with stability and longevity in mind. It will take a while. I’m sure we’ve all felt that we’re just a long for the ride. With more influence we can change the path of progress, hopefully for the better.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you in this opinion post titled, Let's Step Back. I like that you point out that our current system of government could use an upgrade. Like an aging computer, it's using the old software system and keeps getting jammed up and frozen, which doesn't allow for any work to get done. Ok, pardon my computer puns, but it makes sense. Our government is not acting like a well oiled mechanism that is actually working and doing any good work at all. We need to reform the way our government is set up, and to do that we need to pull out and analyze the Constitution and see if it fits the vision for the people of this country currently, not people from hundreds of years ago. I think to start we need to change our voting system and I agree with you that a direct democracy would be a wonderful way to do it. It would put the power back into the hands of the people of this country, where it belongs. We have grown so much as a country throughout our history, and it's only been through major movements like the civil rights movement and women's rights movement, that we've been able to get things changed for the betterment of this country. But we aren't done yet, there's still more work to be done. It is incredibly frustrating as a citizen to watch how our political parties behave. Our system is so rigged right now, everything is so tense in government, like a balloon filling with air, it's eventually going to explode. They act like a bunch of jerks. They just bicker, fight, and point fingers. It's actually quite childish. I like your metaphor of our government being like an arena, because it is an arena, The Re-election Arena. And like the gladiators who fought in the Colosseum for the Roman's amusement, so too do our people in government fight. Yet, from what both you and I can tell, the American people are not amused. Not at all. It's sad to say, but politics have really taken a nose dive in this country and it's only getting worse. When are we going to see that we, the people, need to be the parent and tell the officials of our government that we don't like the way that our system is running, and that it's not running. I think it's time for another major movement. What do you think?
